Friday, January 18, 2008

Anna McLaughlin

As I took the Cognitive Style and Learning Style Inventories, I was very pleased with the process. The tests were easy to take and I thought it was neat to compare my results to how I perceive myself. I really enjoyed the tests and thought that my results were amazingly accurate!
The Cognitive Styles Inventory said that I was in the category “sensing types” and I was an introvert. The letter combination that I received was ISFJ. This means that I am typically quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. All of those descriptions fit me perfectly. It also said that I was thorough, loyal, considerate, and I notice specifics about people who are important to me. That too is very true for me. The last comment that was included in my results was that I strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home. That is definitely one of my goals each day!
The Learning Styles Inventory said that I am an auditory learner. I have found that to be very true through the years that I have been in school. Being an auditory learner means that I learn better by listening to tapes and lectures rather than by reading the material. I have never really enjoyed reading, so being an auditory learner makes perfect sense. The results suggest that I sit in the lecture hall where I can hear. I find myself doing that quite often. It also said that after I have read something, I should summarize it and recite it aloud. I find myself doing that all of the time; especially when I am studying for a test. I make my husband sit down and listen to me “teach” him the material that I am studying. I find that by doing that, I am able to understand and apply what I am learning much easier.
These two tests produced very accurate results for me. I found them quite easy to take and I enjoyed seeing the outcome of my answers. It can be concluded that these tests are very precise in determining ones personality type and learning style.

Cognitive Style:
Learning Style:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Computer Technology

I have always been rather computer savvy and enjoyed the convenience of computer technology. As a teacher, I know that computer technology will enable me to complete tasks quicker and more efficently.